Introducing team contest

Hello all, we are introducing team feature on CodeDrills. Our first team contest is Beta contest #3. Some rules about participating in a team contest:

  1. You have to be an accepted member of a team to submit in a team contest
  2. You can only create/delete a team or accept/decline a team invite before the contest starts. So, please register well in advance
  3. Only the creator of a team can delete the team

Here is how to create a team:

  1. In the contest page, click the My Team tab
  2. Click create team and enter the name and emails of the team members that you wish to invite
  3. Invited team members can accept or decline an invitation. They can do this by visiting the link received in the mail or going to the contest page’s my team tab. Please note that users have to be logged in to accept the invite.
  4. Even if email is not received, the invitees can still accepte by going to the contest page (after logging in) and checking the “My team” tab to accept the invite. It is also possible to accept by directly visiting the team link.
  5. Refresh and check whether your status is showing as accepted (green)

Please ensure that all members of the team have already been registered on CodeDrills before inviting them. You also have to login with the email id in the invite to be able to accept the team invite.


Username would be a better choice here for privacy.


Good idea. We will allow inviting via handles too from the next team contest.


How do I access all submissions made by my teammate?

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Currently you can see only your submissions, will add this feature soon.