ICPC Amritapuri Practice Session #4 [Team Contest] Announcement

Hello CodeDrills,
ICPC Amritapuri Regional will be hosting next team practice round on our platform on Sunday, 14th March 2021. There will be 4 or 5 problems to be solved in 1.5 hours.

Contest Details


You will need to create a team on the contest page in order to participate. Team size can be upto 3. While creating the team, add the registered emails of other users to invite them to join your team. They will get an invite email, ask them to accept. For more details on team registration, refer this guide.
Note: Register your teams & accept invites before the start of the contest. This won’t be allowed after contest starts!


  • Cash prizes of INR 35000 for top 15 teams.
  • 1st Place — INR 5000
  • 2nd, 3rd Places — INR 4000 each
  • 4th, 5th, 6th Places — INR 3000 each
  • 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th Places — INR 2000 each
  • 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th Places — INR 1000 each
  • Only Indian participants are eligible for prizes but everyone can participate.
  • Prize money is per team.

I hope you will enjoy solving the problems. Any feedback is appreciated after the contest.

Good Luck & Have Fun!
Hope to see you participating!!

UPD1: We intend not to penalize compilation errors. Penalties shown on leaderboard are not final. We will recalculate scoreboard after the contest to remove compilation error penalties!
UPD2: Issue with the scoreboard is fixed now! Thanks for participating!
UPD3: All problems are public & available for practice! Submissions are also public now! Check others accepted solutions on leaderboard page.


How many practice round will be conducted before ICPC?


There is no hard and fix count. It depends on how many rounds we are able to prepare!


Are problems sorted according to difficulty?

Yes problems are always sorted according to difficulty for all CodeDrills contests!