Looking for volunteers to open source and maintain CodeDrills recommender

We launched the CodeDrills recommender (https://recommender.codedrills.io/) 6 years ago and since then it has been used to recommend problems for practice more than 10 million times! Unfortunately, over time, I got busy with other stuff and could not maintain it. Now I plan to open source the recommender so that it can be maintained by the community. For that I am looking for some volunteers from the competitive programming community.

CodeDrills has kindly agreed to continue to bear the hosting and other charges for the recommender.

The tech stack for the recommender includes:

  • Java
  • MySQL
  • Bootstrap

The process to open source would entail working with me to:

  1. Remove any sensitive/secret data like db password / some config from the codebase
  2. Decide the license for open sourcing
  3. Set up the initial github open source repository under CodeDrills org

Some features that can be added are:

  1. Add more sites to the recommender
  2. Add more analytics (like contest analytics, accumulate all rating graphs etc.)
  3. Upgrade the technologies used as most versions are quite old now

Let me know if you are interested in the same.



Sure sounds interesting.

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Hi @Balajiganapathi . If you are still looking for folks, I am interested. Link to my linkedin profile.


Hi @Balajiganapathi, I wish to contribute, is this still open?

@magga Thanks! Yes it is still open. Head over to GitHub - CodeDrills-CD/codedrills-recommender: Open source competitive programming problem recommender according to your level and choose an issue to contribute.